
OMoROSE's Calendar ♥

If you have purchased a psychic phone reading or reiki session, please request a booking through my online calendar, by clicking the above link. Also feel free to check my availability in advance.

For psychic readings, you will need to include your name and phone number so that I can call you for the reading at our scheduled time. Please note: I only offer phone readings in the US at this time.

If you have scheduled a reiki session, you will need to include your full name, date of birth, location (city/state) and a photo of yourself (if you have one to

Please be sure to click on the time zone button on the calendar to calculate your time zone.  Payment must be made in advance at the time you book your appointment.  If you would like to make a request outside of the availability shown on the calendar, or have any problems accessing the calendar, please submit your request using the online form below. If you need to cancel your appointment, I require at least 24 hours notice to re-schedule a booking. Thank you

NOTE: We respond to most e-mails within 1 -3 business days. If you have not heard back from us, and it has been over 3 days, please check your spam folders for a response.  Thank you -

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