Energy Sessions

All reiki long distance sessions provided by Usui and Violet Flame Reiki Master Mystic OMoROSE. Relax in the nurturing space of your own home and open yourself up to receive the beneficial, warm divine gift of reiki energies.

To purchase a long distance reiki session, please request a booking through my online calendar below. You will need to include your full name, date of birth, location (city/state) and send a photo of yourself to:, so that I can tune into your energy during the sessionPlease be sure to click on the time zone button on the calendar to calculate your time zone. Payment must be made in advance at the time you book your appointment.  If you would like to make a request outside of the availability shown on the calendar, or have any problems accessing the calendar, please submit your request using the online form below. If you need to cancel your appointment, I require at least 24 hours notice. Thank you-


New: Andara Crystal Balancing Session. Andara crystals are powerful tools for accelerating consciousness on a multi-dimensional level. They vibrate to 'prima matter' or 'zero point energy' where all things become possible in a field of quantum monatomic physics. Closely associated with the lemurian healing temples, these crystals not only amplify intentions, they merge with the field of 'all that is', operating on a 5th dimensional or higher consciousness to effect change in a hyper field beyond regular crystals. Some people say there is an 'angel spirit' found in each andara crystal. These are the most powerful crystals I have ever worked with. I am now ready to share their gifts with humanity in my energy sessions.

Available upon special request. Session (includes long distance reiki and an array of andaras in the grid with your session)

I will intuitively pick the andara crystals that I receive by inner guidance during your session, and let you know which one's they are. I will place these crystals around your photo or intentions and send reiki energy toward your goals. If the andaras have messages to share, I will reveal that as well. But sometimes they do not speak at all. So be patient and trust that all which needs to be revealed, will be revealed.  

If you want to add one andara crystal to your regular reiki session, I charge an extra $25. You can pick the color, or I will tune into spirit and choose a color for you. 

OMoROSE is now offering Reiki Subscriptions, click here for more details

"About Reiki: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A session feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote balance.

More about the session:

I do not charge for sharing reiki energies itself, but for my time to channel and hold the space for this divine blessing. If you are requesting reiki for a relationship, please send a photo of any people in that relationship and their full name, location, and date of birth if you have that. You may also include any special intentions you have for the reiki with your request.

Below is a description of services, that may be added onto any reiki session:

For a Reiki Spirit Messages Session you will receive the following in addition to your reiki session:

1) Full chakra balance 

2) I will reveal who your personal spirit guides or helpers are. This may include angels, ascended masters, animal spirit guides, deceased loved ones, helper guides.

3) I will include any messages from your personal spirit guides that are revealed during the session. This may include one message all the way up to five, ten or more depending upon what comes through for you during the session.  

4) The session will be closed with golden healing light and the frequency of the DNA tuning forks. Sound travels at a distance, so you will receive the benfits of a DNA activation through the resonance of these amazing tuning forks.


For rose quartz grid session: you will receive your reiki inside of a beautiful grid surrounded by the stone of rose quartz, to amplify the frequency of love, repairing relationships, and helping to balance heart wounds, betrayals, or grief. Support with opening the heart and or self esteem. Whatever the case may be needed. 

For Violet Flame Cord cutting: you will receive a special energetic cord cutting, to help cut toxic or unsupportive energy cords with people in your life.

For extra auric protection shield - you will receive an extra prayer, and energy shield placed around your aura for more energetic protection from harsh people, places, negative spirits or situations in your life.

For mini oracle reading - I will draw an oracle card after your reiki session is completed. Fully directly by higher self, and supported by loving angels and your spiritual guides. I will then send your brief (one paragraph or less) oracle message via e-mail, as a personal message for you at this time.

For entity removal - you will receive an entity removal prayer activation, to help remove all variety of intrusions, dark spirits, negative thought forms, vampirism, entities and other energies that can and often do cause a variety of symptoms such as nightmares, fear, anxiety, and blockages showing up in your life.

For finding your soul chant: I will tune into your energy, and connect with your guides, to help find the most supportive chant for your soul growth at this time. A chant that resonates with your soul and life purpose, to bring in more empowerment into your life.

For Aura reading: I will tune into each of your 8 chakra centers, and give a brief message about each one, to give you feedback about what your chakras and energy centers are saying at this time. This can help provide insight into your strengths and weakness, which is a valuable tool for self growth. 

For Soul Retrieval Session - I will use a drum or rattle to go into a shamanic trance, calling in your totem spirit animals, in order to find lost pieces of your soul that may have left due to trauma, illness, accidents, surgery, power imbalances, abuse, injury, or past relationship karma/imbalances, ET abductions, etc. whatever the case may be/  I will reveal who your power totem animals are, and what pieces of your soul were returned providing messages and insight around where pieces had gone and where we returned them, and any other issues around your very personal session that spirit guides to relay. The goal is to restore more of your personal power, by bringing back your soul pieces that were lost or given away, so that you begin to feel more whole, balanced and empowered inside. Shamanism is one of the oldest healing modalities in the world. I will need a photo of you in order to do a soul retrieval, along with your full name, date of birth and location.


Reiki is not to be used as a substitute to any medical treatment for a medical condition that a physician can help with. Reiki may be used as an addition to regular medical treatments, but please check with your health care provider first. Never use Reiki in the place of traditional modern medicine or treatments. I do not diagnose, cure or offer to heal any condition. I only hold the space for reiki energies to flow, and allow each person to accept this energy gift to the level they are ready for. You must be at least 18 years of age, to purchase a reiki session from me. 


"Dear OMoROSE-

I would like to say thank you very much for your last two Reiki healing
sessions. I have realized that there have been remarkable effects on my
mind and body. I feel that I could have a better sleep in the night
these days.

My digestion system which had been upset for a long time has
begun to get better. My facial color looks better now than it used to be.
I can feel mental recovery as well. There have been a fewer occasions
where I feel depressed or frustrated. I can have peaceful feeling before
I go to bed most of the nights. These are the good effects that I have
been able to recognize after the sessions.

Truly yours,"



This is an update on Mike’s situation.

I had a chance to visit with Mike this evening. His doctors did an angioplasty this afternoon when they found a blocked artery in the left side of his heart, there was a clot. When they tried to inflate the balloon, the seemingly flattened artery suddenly cleared and appeared on the screen. So the balloon did not need to be inserted all the way. Instead a temporary stint was placed in the area to keep it from clogging the passage to his heart.

Mike told me that he watched the whole procedure on the telemeter, he was fascinated with the technology. While watching the screen when the camera was focused on his heart, he said that he saw the face of Jesus molded on to his heart. This brought tears to his eyes. He was aware that you were sending him healing energies today, and he expressed his gratitude for the blessing you helped to bring through to him.

His family and I were so relieved for the swift & safe outcome for Mike. I know it was because of the divine assistance spirit provided through you. It was a miracle. If left untreated or undetected, he could've had a massive heart attack and died. It would've been a real blow to us all.

I can not express my deepest gratitude to you for taking action and contacting me. I realize I reached out to you, but you really did not need to do anything to contact me, I can not thank you enough! If Mike did expire, it would've felt like someone yanked the rug from under me & me slamming on to the floor on my back. I was dazed when I sent you the email request this morning, my mind was racing!

Right now, I am still a little overwhelmed by the series of events of today. Tremendously relieved, and truly a potentially fatal situation was averted.

I'll let you know how Mike does in the coming days. He might need to rest at the hospital till tomorrow, depending on his progress. The doctors will let him know.

Again, thank you for being of service and always paying attention to divine prompting.

Brightest Blessings,"